Tidymodel and glmnet

When the penalized generalize linear model (Lasso or Ridge) is processed in the tidymodel environment, finalizing the hyperparameter (lambda) and getting coefficients of the final model are confusing. Here is an example. This example predicts PIK3CA mutation status by gene expression data. TCGA breast cancer dataset is used.


cv_splits <- rsample::vfold_cv(trainset_ahDiff, strata = PIK3CA_T)
mod <- logistic_reg(penalty = tune(),
                    mixture = tune()) %>%

rec <- recipe(PIK3CA_T ~ ., data = trainset_ahDiff) %>%
  step_BoxCox(all_numeric()) %>%
  step_center(all_numeric()) %>%
  step_scale(all_numeric()) %>%
wfl <- workflow() %>%
  add_recipe(rec) %>%

glmn_set <- parameters(penalty(range = c(-5,1), trans = log10_trans()),

glmn_grid <- 
  grid_regular(glmn_set, levels = c(7, 5))
ctrl <- control_grid(save_pred = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
  • Grid parameter search on 10-fold cross-validation with 5 repeats
  • Dummy variable to control for histologic subtype
Select best parameter
glmn_tune <- 
            resamples = cv_splits,
            grid = glmn_grid,
            metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),
            control = ctrl)

best_glmn <- select_best(glmn_tune, metric = "roc_auc")
wfl_final <- 
  wfl %>%
  finalize_workflow(best_glmn) %>%
  fit(data = trainset_ahDiff)

finalize_workflow() finalizes the model with selected optimal hyperparameters. However, the glmnet fits any lambda, not the indicated lambda. This was discussed at https://github.com/tidymodels/parsnip/issues/195. The glmnet is more efficient to fit all lambda than a single lambda. Thus tidymodel ignores the indicated lambda. This made the first confusion. The finalization can be finalized by predict in tidymodel environment. Finalize with predict. Note the last argument penalty = 1 of stats::predict(wfl_final, type = "prob", new_data = trainset_ahDiff, penalty = 1).

train_predict <- stats::predict(wfl_final, type = "prob", new_data = trainset_ahDiff, penalty = 1)
train_probs <- 
  predict(wfl_final, type = "prob", new_data = trainset_ahDiff) %>%
  bind_cols(obs = trainset_ahDiff$PIK3CA_T) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(wfl_final, new_data = trainset_ahDiff))
conf_mat(train_probs, obs, .pred_class)
##           Truth
## Prediction Wild Mutant
##     Wild    213     45
##     Mutant  123    158
autoplot(roc_curve(train_probs, obs, .pred_Mutant, event_level = "second"))

roc_auc(train_probs, obs, .pred_Mutant, event_level = "second")
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##   .metric .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary         0.770

Because glmnet fits the whole path, there are whole coefficients in the glmnet fit object wfl_final. This was the second confusion. How to get the final model coefficients is below.

tidy(extract_model(wfl_final)) %>%
  filter(lambda > 0.98 & lambda < 1.01)
## # A tibble: 17 x 5
##    term                                           step estimate lambda dev.ratio
##    <chr>                                         <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)                                      55  -0.0630   1.00     0.123
##  2 C4A                                              55   0.0587   1.00     0.123
##  3 C5orf13                                          55   0.0587   1.00     0.123
##  4 CDSN                                             55   0.0706   1.00     0.123
##  5 CFB                                              55   0.0719   1.00     0.123
##  6 CYP21A2                                          55   0.0516   1.00     0.123
##  7 DGKE                                             55  -0.0709   1.00     0.123
##  8 FGD5                                             55   0.0670   1.00     0.123
##  9 GALNT10                                          55   0.0575   1.00     0.123
## 10 GOLM1                                            55   0.0689   1.00     0.123
## 11 GPX8                                             55   0.0657   1.00     0.123
## 12 KLK11                                            55   0.0145   1.00     0.123
## 13 NTN4                                             55   0.0578   1.00     0.123
## 14 SMYD3                                            55   0.0637   1.00     0.123
## 15 USP36                                            55  -0.0698   1.00     0.123
## 16 WBP2                                             55  -0.0652   1.00     0.123
## 17 HISTOLOGICAL_DIAGNOSIS_Infiltrating.Lobular.~    55  -0.0244   1.00     0.123
Jun Kang
Clinical Assistant Professor of Hospital Pathology

My research interests include pathology, oncology and statistics.
